About Manchester Green Homes

Since we began building homes in 1995, we have always focused on giving our customers the most home for the money. We continue to do this today with the added benefit of giving our customers a better-built, energy-efficient Green Home.

Our Team

Jim Fincher, Owner
Since 1995

Helena Fincher, Sales and Marketing
Since 2019

Sherry Teoli, Head of Construction
Since 2006

Vivien Denlinger, Accounting
Since 2000

Courtney Blood, Accounting
Since 2023

Perry Dowell, Construction
Since 2005

A History of Building High Quality Green Homes

In 1995, Jim Fincher founded Casterock Homes and built under that name for many years until gaining a partner and forming Manchester Homes. In 2008, Jim saw the need for a better-built, energy-efficient home and founded Manchester Green Homes.

Since then, every one of our homes has been built to be Green following many of the practices outlined in the National Green Building Standard relating to energy efficiency, water efficiency, durability and indoor air quality.

The Manchester Green Homes Difference

We follow a rigorous set of requirements specified in the NGBS to build our homes very different than a standard code-built home. The main things we focus on are durability, energy efficiency, water efficiency, indoor air quality and homeowner education.

The bottom line is our homes are designed to last longer, cost less to operate, be more comfortable and have less impact on our planet. This process takes a bit longer and costs a little more but the return on energy savings alone far outweighs the extra cost of construction.