Do I Need a Storm Shelter in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma has beautiful weather most of the time, but storms can get pretty bad. Like most places, we have our share of natural disasters, including the much-dreaded tornado. However, with a proper storm shelter in place, you can feel safe in the event of severe weather.

Here’s everything you need to know about storm shelters in Oklahoma.

Storm shelters can save your life.

If you are in Oklahoma and you don’t have a storm shelter, you should seriously consider getting one. A storm shelter can save your life during severe weather.

What is a storm shelter?

A storm shelter is a safe room, either underground or bolted to concrete, designed to be used during severe weather. The purpose of a storm shelter is to keep its occupants protected from high winds, flying debris, and falling objects.

Storm shelters can be installed in your home or business. There are many options available for purchase—including prefabricated ones that can be installed within hours of being delivered.

Storm shelters are not cheap, but you may be able to get financing or a rebate.

Oklahoma University Extension has some helpful resources for selecting the right storm shelter, and even some ways to get your shelter financed or paid for.

Where are storm shelters installed?

If you have a basement, it is usually the best place to install a storm shelter. If you don’t have a basement, you can get a prefabricated shelter installed in your garage or even outside.

The location where the shelter will be installed depends on what is most convenient for you and how much space you have available.

How much does it cost?

The price of installing a storm shelter varies depending on what type of shelter you want, as well as where it will be located. Prefabricated shelters are typically less expensive than custom built ones because they are easier to install and come with everything included (including installation).

Have a plan to use your shelter.

You should have a plan for what to do before a storm hits. It’s important to know where your family will go, how long they will be there, and how you are going to communicate with each other.

Keep emergency supplies in your shelter.

If you have a larger shelter, it’s a good idea to keep emergency supplies in it. These should include water, nonperishable food, flashlights and batteries, blankets, a first aid kit, a weather radio, and anything else that could help you while waiting out the storm or in the aftermath if it is particularly bad. You may consider keeping a supply of any critical medicine there as well.

Rotate your supplies occasionally to keep them fresh.

Oklahoma can have some bad weather, but it’s not all bad news.

If you have the right kind of shelter, you can stay safe during even the worst storms.

Even if you don’t have a storm shelter yet, you can still prepare yourself and your family by getting some supplies ready in case there is ever an emergency situation.